During 5 intense weeks of Leadership Teaming for Impact you will

  • Align your leadership around shared dreams and shared understanding

  • Establish a shared understand on "how fit you are" at mastering Lean-Agile Leadership@scale

  • Agree upon and prioritise your leadership-, competence- and business challenges

  • Identify your key business assignment, tasks to do and stakeholders to team up with

  • Set up your environment for continous improvement and make it easy to learn & improve

"We believe that business agility comes from connecting and enriching and we know that complex and systemic problems can only be solved through joint leadership efforts and teaming - It’s pretty simple yet difficult" - Pia Sternberg Petersen, founding partner

Course curriculum

  • 1

    M0 - Getting started

    • 0.0 - Welcome

    • 0.1 - Meet the ABA team

    • 0.2 - How this platform works

    • 0.3 - Ways of collaboration

    • 0.4 - Programme ressources

    • 0.6 - Reflections

  • 2

    M1 - Key business assignment

    • 1.0 - Welcome to Key Business Assignment

    • 1.1 - What is the one task....?

    • 1.2 - Zooming in on your task

    • 1.3 - Defining your task

    • 1.4 - Learning back-log -intro

    • 1.5 - Reflections

  • 3

    M2 - Common direction

    • 2.0 - Dreaming about the future

    • 2.1 - Postcard from the future

    • 2.2 - Sharing your dreams for the future

    • 2.3 - Reflection

  • 4

    M3 - Commitment and Progress

    • 3.0 - Welcome

    • 3.1 - Leadership group assessment

    • 3.2 - How fit are we?

    • 3.3 - Creating the baseline

    • 3.4 - Recording your baseline

    • 3.5 - individual reflection

    • 3.6 - Measure Progress

    • 3.7 - Group reflection

  • 5

    M4 - Relations and perspectives

    • 4.0 - Relational coordination

    • 4.1 - Designthinking and lean agile praxis

    • 4.2 - Stakeholder perspectives

    • 4.3 - Stakeholders - who to involve

    • 4.4 - Reflections

  • 6

    M5 - Succesful coordination

    • 5.0 - Setting up your working environment

    • 5.1 - Establish a visual task board

    • 5.2 - Agreements with stakeholders

    • 5.3 - Establish a visual learning board

    • 5.4 - And....ACTION!

    • 5.5 - Individual reflection

    • 5.6 Reflection space - group

    • 5.7 Celebration space

  • 7

    M6: Finalise your learning backlog

    • 6.0 - Learning topics -

    • 6.1 Explore learning topics

    • 6.2 Add your own topics

    • 6.3 - Learning back log and actions

    • 6.4 - Final reflections

  • 8

    Library and shared documents

    • Books

    • Articles

    • Videos

  • 9

    Community Room

    • Access to the community Room

    • Calendar

Assess the most important resources you can rely on. Identify the most important constraints you will be facing, so you can set yourself up for success. Decide on the first improvement activity that will move you toward your ultimate goal: Which new initiative, action or thing can you safely and productively bring into play, and how and how soon will you assess the results and learnings? Our mentors and community will support you in preparing to plan, execute and evaluate this first improvement activity. Once you feel ready, you will go ahead and make it real in your own setting.
In the second step, you will work on your selected improvement activity together with colleagues and stakeholders in your own organisation. We call this the "double task": As you work with a challenging business assignment, you will at the same time improve your and your colleagues’ leadership and teaming competencies through observations, improvement activities, and feedback. "Leadership Teaming for Impact" provides a safe learning space, as well as access to resources such as peer reviews, coaching, video library and much more.
Focus on working with your organisation to ensure the best foundation for continued improvement and learning for you and your colleagues. Continued learning is both a mindset and a set of practices that helps individuals and the entire organisation to continuously improve in the areas that make us competitive and healthy. So, do you have the time and space to improve? Together with your group and colleagues? Who can you talk to to make it more likely that you get past the tyranny of “now”? The support team and the platform has your back throughout the process.
We will provide a library of short, inspiring video lessons about relevant topics to explore as they become relevant to you. Our platform also gives you access to various other learning resources to explore at your own pace and volition. We invite you to participate in a structured series of live learning events and coaching sessions. And you can quickly call for help through our platform at any time. Your coaches, cohort and our wider community are here to help and support you on every step along the way.

Your experience in all our programmes

  • Learning at your own pace

    Advance your Lean-Agile leadership competences through studying at your own pace with structured support. Submit work when it suits you, or stay on track with our suggested development plan. Participate in events and check-ins (optional, but recommended).

  • Immidiate Business Results

    Learn and develop your leadership through practicing and doing in your own context - solving real problems. We support you in addressing your most relevant challenge. Start increasing your on-the-job success from day one through an action-oriented learning programme.

  • Community of Lean-Agile Leaders

    You are all practitioners in the field of Lean-Agile Leadership@scale. Join a global community and be inspired by other practioners and professional leadership coaches. Get support and individual mentoring and participate in hot-seats, coaching sessions and similar events.


During the programme you will meet us AND experienced Lean-Agile Leaders from different companies

Pia Petersen

Founding Partner

Experienced Agile transformation partner. Executive agile coach & consultant with a strong expertise in Lean-Agile Leadership and teaming

Henrik Sternberg

Founding Partner

Experienced Lean-Agile transformation partner. Executive agile coach & consultant. Specialist in product leadership, LPM and business agility

Kirsten Bragh

Founding Partner

Senior business practitioner, consultant and executive coach. 25+ years of co-creating leadership with in-depth knowledge about the psychology of teams and change

Lotte Brøndtoft

Founding Partner

Agile People & Culture practitioner.  Senior organisational business partner and strategist. Experienced transformation lead and Lean-Agile leader

Annika Bay

Founding Partner

Experienced agile transformation facilitator and leadership team advisor.  Agile People & Culture practitioner. Behavioral design trainer and  SAFe agilist

Ulrik Gade

Senior lean-agile coach & facilitator

Experienced lean-agile coach and facilitator. Specialist in flow oriented approaches to adaptive delivery

Why have we developed Leadership Teaming for Impact?

Because we see a need for a holistic, ambitious and yet simple approach to improving Lean-Agile Leadership @scale. Mastering Lean-Agile Leadership @scale aims at creating a sustainable and coherent leadership and management culture.

  • Develop your personal leadership

    A group of leaders can make a bigger impact on business results and engagement acknowledging and leaning on different approaches to and competences in performing leadership.

  • Everything is data

    Yes, we measure, set goals and compare. And you know - feelings are also data we can access without intimidating others.

  • Keeping up with your Key Business Assignment

    Habits are hard to change in a busy daily schedule. We are experts in working with everyday learning, always applying new learning to the tasks that are right in front of you today.