"Leading a product or service to continued success in agility @scale sets the bar high for keeping everyone aligned to a common purpose, and balancing capability against customer and stakeholder demands"

Ulrik H. Gade,  Agile Business Academy

Your practice-based path to increased product leadership mastery

Mastering Agile Product Leadership @scale is a 5 week, individual, online, community- and practice-based action learning experience for existing product professionals. You will increase your ability to succeed by leveraging the opportunities posed by a complex, dynamic environment.

We support your growth through a structured process where you will immediately start increasing your capability to address your most important current product leadership challenge, while also broadening your toolkit.

Examples of leadership challenges, you can choose to focus on during the programme:

  • Create alignment in a team, you are not the leader of

  • Take charge of your stakeholder management

  • Protect the integrity of your backlog

  • Become a strong communicator of the vision of your product

  • Get involved with your team(s)

Join now - our next programme start is January 17, 2024


Practical product leadership improvement

Get better at getting better – while getting things done

We take you though a practice-based action learning process designed to help you to integrate the practice of improving product leadership into your daily work (the "double task") - for both you, your colleagues, and wider organization.

  • Chapter 1: Establish and commit

    Envision your preferred future, think through the challenges that stand between you and that vision, and define your assignment for the rest of this programme.

  • Chapter 2: Learn & grow

    Engage in the "double task" of iteratively improving your product leadership as you collaborate with colleagues on your chosen business assignment.

  • Chapter 3: Turbocharge your future

    Celebrate your success, then prepare the ground for continuing learning and product leadership improvement in your organisation as you wrap up this programme. 

  • Anytime: Get inspired, seek community, get coaching

    Use our platform to seek inspirational materials, participate in structured learning events, get coaching from experienced mentors, and engage with a community of product leaders like you.

Multi-dimensional product leadership

Increase your situational mastery of the complexities, dilemmas and paradoxes of agile product leadership @scale

Every week, we will offer short inspirational, live lectures ("pitstops") to help you juggle the many dimensions of product leadership mastery. Topics covered include:

  • Improvement leadership

    Change is everywhere and inescapable. But how can you ensure that it is actually changing for the better, in your own product work and in that of your team or broader organisation? And how can you turn the "double task" of improving work as an integral part of doing the work into a daily leadership practice?

  • Relational leadership

    How can you ensure the appropriate level of shared direction, coordination and commitment in the workplace without undermining self-organisation or relying on individual acts of "heroism"? And how can you expand this to the wider group of interested parties in your product development initiatives?

  • Delivery leadership

    As a product leader, you have prime responsibility for ensuring that you deliver the right product capabilities, in the right way, at the right time, and with the right view toward the future to satisfy customers and/or other stakeholders. But how can you take good decisions about content and strategy in a complex, unpredictable environment?

  • Trust leadership

    Mutual trust is the foundation of high-performance agile organizations. But how can you build and sustain trust at scale, and what can you do to repair trust if it is damaged?

  • Personal leadership

    As a product leader, you are yourself your most important "tool". So how can you continue developing your self-mastery and set up the systems you need to support you in evolving your own leadership style or styles?

Your experience in all our programmes

  • Learning at your own pace

    Advance your lean-agile leadership competences through studying at your own pace with structured support. Submit work when it suits you, or stay on track with our suggested development plan. Participate in events and check-ins (optional, but recommended).

  • Immidiate Business Results

    Learn and develop your leadership through practicing and doing in your own context - solving real problems. We support you in addressing your most relevant challenge. Start increasing your on-the-job success from day one through an action-oriented learning programme.

  • Community of lean-agile Leaders

    You are all practitioners in the field of lean-agile leadership@scale. Join a global community and be inspired by other practitioners and professional leadership coaches. Get support and individual mentoring and participate in hot-seats, coaching sessions and similar events.

Five weeks exclusively for your organisation?

Your terminology, your daily challenges, lots of internal networking and sharing of best practice.

The Product Leadership team

Henrik Sternberg

Experienced lean-agile transformation partner. Executive agile coach & consultant. Specialist in product leadership, LPM, and business agility. Call me at: +45 25267702 to learn more

Ulrik H. Gade

Sr. Consultant

Experienced lean-agile coach and instructor. Specialist in flow- oriented approaches to adaptive delivery.

Spice up your PO/PM CoPs

The Agile Product Leadership @scale program provides direction, constant pace and a focused, inclusive dialogue in your CoP. And at the same time, it will connect your learnings to your daily work.


  • I have already started my product leadership career. Is this program for me?

    Yes! Mastering Product Leadership @Scale is for professionals who have already started in their careers: some on the job experience is required. If your are just trying to break into product leadership, we wish you the best. But in that case we recommend one of the many introductory courses available from other vendors.

  • I have no prior product leadership experience. Is this program right for me?

    Sorry, some on the job experience is required. If your are just trying to break into product leadership, we wish you the best. But in that case we recommend one of the many introductory courses available from other vendors.

  • How can I contact you?

    You can email us at: [email protected] . Or you can call us at: +forty-five 25267702